“Fortune smiles on those with TALENT and HEART ... You are a POET with a CAMERA!”
— Jamez Chang, Editor of Flash Fiction at Counter Example Poetics | counterexamplepoetics.com
“A VISIONARY, truly good hearted ... a DAMN FINE PHOTOGRAPHER! ”
— Aja, CEO of ajanaturals.com
“Yvel’s Photography is TALENTED, PATIENT, and LISTENS to exactly what you need.”
— Natalia P. Romero, Bloomfield, NJ | New Mom
“Yvel, these are all AWESOME! You really captured the moment. You did a GREAT JOB!”
— Reyshizz | Rapper, Artist | reyshizz.com
“We placed your photographs on our wall :-). Thank you! WE LOVE THEM!”
— Landrine + Corey Anderson | Registered Nurse | New Mom
“You’ve got some TALENT brother. DOPE!!!”
— Gomer, CEO of svrfking.com | Start Visualizing Real Fashion
“I just want to THANK YOU once again for ROCKING and being AMAZING at the wedding.”
— Gricel Robles | gricelphotography.com